our work

Sex trafficking is a very real problem.

While it is often misunderstood as a problem that only happens in far-away places, it most certainly is not. Sex trafficking is happening everywhere, hiding in plain sight, even in our beloved city of Madison, Wisconsin.

We have no doubt that God has called us to this important work. Throughout the years of praying and planning, we’ve seen God bring together a broad number of donors and a community of volunteers to work alongside of us as we work to serve the women in our community as they embrace a life of freedom and independence.

Here’s what we are working on right now:

  • Building community relationships with churches and other organizations supporting women
  • Hosting community education training sessions
  • Raising funds to build our facilities and hire staff
  • Grow our monthly support team to sustain our work
  • Participating in local outreach to serve the women of our area and build community
  • Property beautification

We’re building a community. Learn more.

Are you or someone you know in danger of being exploited?

know the signs and get help

Our partnerships:

We are proud to partner with other organizations who are committed to the freedom and care of women.

rescue america

Rescue America exists to rescue, revive and empower the sexually exploited through a 24/7 hotline and emergency response.

safe house project

Safe House Project has a vision to unite communities to end domestic sex trafficking and restore hope, freedom, and a future to every survivor.

project respect

Project RESPECT addresses domestic sex trafficking and local prostitution, offering services for survivors of sexual exploitation and human trafficking.

wellspring living

Wellspring Living is a non-profit organization in Atlanta, Georgia that provides domestic sex trafficking victims and those at risk with specialized recovery services through residential and community-based programs.

damascus road

Damascus Road is dedicated to fighting the evil of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. They are committed to bring awareness through educating, restoring and empowering the abused, and advocating for the prevention and abolition of human trafficking.

the yada project

The Yada Project brings hope to individuals and communities by providing a market for products they produce. They offer a holistic approach by including spiritual, financial, and lifetime solutions to poverty, through with organizations working around the globe.

every daughter

Every Daughter is a group of women from several churches around Dane County who meet regularly to contact and offer assistance to women who are sexually exploited & trafficked in our community.

breaking free

Breaking Free helps women escape systems of prostitution and sexual exploitation through advocacy, housing, education and immediate action.This includes ending the demand through Men Breaking Free.

hope  healing  homes