Oaks of righteousness

Oaks of righteousness

Rooted in Isaiah 61, this term has been planted within the heart of Zeteo Community. In this prophetic poem we see the promise of hope and healing in the coming Messiah. In the gospels, we see Jesus “binding up the brokenhearted” and “comforting all who mourn”. Later, He commissions us to do the same, calling us to “love others the way I have loved you”. Isaiah 61:3 describes those of us marked by this love as “oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”

God makes no mistakes in His imagery.

Oaks are known for not only their hardiness but for being a harbor to hosts of other wildlife. We too are to be a home for those seeking safety.

When we purchased the property in 2022, we immediately noticed that it featured a massive oak tree at its center, standing as a reminder that God had a plan and a place for Zeteo Community all along.

This year, LundinTree blessed us by preserving the beauty of this oak tree safely and conscientiously, once again showing us God’s attention to the details, both big and small. God’s love surpasses our understanding and this oak tree stands as a reminder of our purpose: to be “Oaks of Righteousness” for God’s glory.

LundinTree is a Zeteo Comunity Member organization. This partnership demonstrates their comittment to the community of Dane County and beyond. They donated their expertise in stewardship of the actual oaks and other trees at the future site of the Zeteo Community.

Mini oak tree

Guests of the recent Zeteo Community Benefit received a mini oak tree along with actual soil from the property of
the future homes.

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