04 Feb Faithful
My word shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing I sent it. Isaiah 55:11
There are moments in life when God’s hand leads us on a journey that shapes the very foundations of our lives. Do you remember Abram encountering God’s call to leave home for a land unknown to him, revealed only through divine promise? Can you recall the Israelites being led by pillars of cloud and fire, not fully knowing where the journey would take them, except for God promising it would be their home? The convergence of their obedience, faith, and God’s miraculous demonstrations of His presence and interventions laid the groundwork for generations to come.
As of right now, we are working to raise the finances to begin the build out of the homes themselves. This is no small feat. The immediate funds needed to begin is $3 million, with the total project of the homes costing $7.5 million. Our prayer is that there never be a hindrance to the building progress. Every contractor is ready to go as soon as the funds are in place. As we reflect on the miracles that have graced our journey thus far, we patiently pray for God to continue bringing the community alongside, paving the way toward progress again.
Zeteo Community is just that—a community. We are all invited to participate in what  God is doing. When a community joins together to make change and impact the lives around them, it creates a legacy of God’s love. As Erwin McManus writes in his book Chasing Daylight, “When we offer ourselves as instruments for God’s purpose, we create opportunities for others to experience God through us. We become living lightning rods of God’s activity. Our obedience creates a spiritual epicenter through which God shakes up the world around us, and others come to know Him.” How are you being called as an instrument for God’s purposes here in our community?

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