Mercies Coffee: 1748 Eagan Rd, Madison, WI 53704.

We’ve been overwhelmed by the outpouring of interest and support. Many people have reached out to learn more about Zeteo Community and how they can get involved.

To foster this growing interest, we’re excited to introduce: Coffee Connect with the Founders. This intimate gathering is designed to be a relaxed, small-group “onramp” to discover what God is doing through Zeteo Community. It’s not a fundraiser or volunteer recruiting event, but rather a casual opportunity to introduce friends, colleagues, and others in your network to a cause that has already touched YOUR heart.

Do you know someone who might be interested? Take a moment to think and pray about who you could invite.

We look forward to seeing you there! An RSVP would be helpful but not necessary.

If the next Coffee Connect does not fit your schedule but you wish to meet with Kenton and/or Marlene, please contact us today and we will find a time to connect.

Kenton and Marlene Sorenson

Co-founders, Zeteo Community